Promoting effective and sustainable NGOs
Maximizing Impact of Social Investment
Some of the biggest challenges that social sector organisations, especially small and rural NGOs, face today are in organisational capacity, establishing trust and accountability with external stakeholders, sustainability and meeting donor expectations.
Dhwani Foundation works with NGOs, foundations, governments and other stakeholders to help them solve their key problems on multiple fronts.”
We provide capacity-building programmes, technology solutions, support services and strategic collaborations. We work to:
– Build your organizational capacity
– Help enhance visibility of your brand, strengthen your team’s marketing & fundraising
– Support outsourcing of support functions and processes
– Facilitate induction of independent board members
– Provide cloud-based MIS Software to manage projects data
Dhwani Foundation (DF) works towards building a vibrant and credible social sector through its various initiatives. One of them is our flagship capacity building programme for NGOs – NIRANTHARA. NGO partners from our first cohort are graduating with an overall 80% improvement in their process and systems. Click here to watch the NIRANTHARA story.
Based on our success from Batch-1 and increasing demand from NGOs, we are launching NIRANTHARA Batch-2 in Karnataka.
Niranthara aims at enabling NGOs to make long-lasting impact on the communities that they serve, through helping them set a clear roadmap for enhancing both service quality and reach.
An 18-months immersive engagement programme, exclusively designed for grassroots NGOs to ensure the following outcomes:
• NGOs fulfil legal compliances and regulations of Government, Corporates, Donors and statutory bodies
• Increased oversight, strategic directions, external networks through enhanced governance system
• HR systems to ensure best talent intake, employee growth and retention
• Digitalisation and real time data through MIS for better decisions and reporting
• Enhance visibility, accountability and fundraising systems through digital media and marketing strategy
• • Leadership enabling through strategic plans, second-line leadership and networking
Only 30 seats to fill! Enrol Now!
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Based upon your google form, we will contact you for further steps.
Download Programme Details : For English Click Here , For Kannada Click Here .
Dhwani Foundation has organised an exposure visit to Aravind Eye Hospital for leaders of its partner NGOs on 8th and 9th November 2019. The visit aims to inspire and inform NGO leaders about the success stories and experiences of Aravind Eye Hospital, enabling them with new perspectives and knowledge to implement innovative strategies in their own areas of work.
As part of the Niranthara Programme, Dhwani Foundation is organizing a 3-day training on programme management for NGO directors and senior programme personnel from 16 – 18 September 2019. 23 NGO partners will take part in this event, where they will learn the skills and knowledge required for optimal programme management.
Tarun Monga, a consultant from Genpact Social Impact Fellowship will be conducting a design thinking workshop for Niranthara partner NGOs on 19 September 2019. A series of design thinking activities will help enhance the growth scope of the Niranthara programme by exploring the potential factors that can magnify our community connect.